Practice Areas

Our Results
The following examples represent some of the results and recoveries we have achieved for our clients in a variety of different types of cases. The facts of each case, injury and loss, are unique. While these results are actual recoveries we have secured on behalf of clients, these results may not be indicative of the value of cases for prospective clients.
Settlement on behalf of a family member who died as a result of a vehicle collision.
Settlement for a client who sustained numerous orthopedic injuries, requiring multiple surgeries, due to an automobile accident.
Medical Negligence Settlement on behalf of a boy with cerebral palsy resulting from hospital physicians and staff’s failure to perform a prompt Cesarean section after signs of fetal distress.
Medical Negligence Jury Verdict against hospital physicians and staff on behalf of the Estate of a woman who died as a result of an undiagnosed and untreated bacterial infection. According to Illinois and Cook County jury verdict reports, this was the highest award for an unmarried adult woman with no children or dependents.
Medical Negligence Settlement on behalf of a woman who suffered an infection, neurological injury and abdominal scarring due to an untreated bowel perforation following a laparoscopy.
Vehicle collision settlement on behalf of a client who sustained multiple internal organ injuries.
Medical Negligence Settlement on behalf of the family of an 18-year-old who died as a result of inadequate oxygen. The hospital staff failed to promptly reposition an intubation tube after it had moved from its proper position.
Construction Negligence Settlement on behalf of a construction worker who sustained a back injury with disc herniation and a knee injury requiring surgeries, as a result of being stuck by a vehicle while performing road repairs.
Construction Negligence Settlement on behalf of a Union Local 1 ironworker who sustained an injury resulting in a partial lower leg amputation while performing work in relation to a Wrigley Field Rooftop Skybox.
Railroad Crossing / Construction Negligence Settlement on behalf of a waste haulage driver who suffered a skull fracture, seizures and hip dislocations as a result of being struck by a train at a railroad crossing which lacked automatic gates or lights, while attempting to remove construction debris from a utility project job site.
Vehicle/Bicyclist Collision Settlement on behalf of a minor male who sustained a head and brain injury as a result of being struck by a driver while crossing the street on his bicycle.
Settlement on behalf of the family of a woman who died as a result of an alleged anesthesia error. The Defendant claimed there was no evidence of an error and that the woman passed away due to other causes.
Railroad Crossing Collision Settlement on behalf of a woman who sustained a head injury and multiple fractures at a railroad crossing which lacked automatic gates or lights.
Medical Negligence Settlement on behalf of a minor girl who suffered partial loss of vision and mild cognitive impairment as a result of falling from a hospital bed after hospital staff failed to raise the bed’s guard rails.
Construction Negligence Settlement on behalf of a concrete construction worker who suffered a lis franc ankle fracture when he was struck by falling masonry bricks. According to Illinois and Cook County jury verdict and settlement reports, the settlement was the highest recovery in Illinois for an ankle fracture.
Automobile / Trucking Settlement on behalf of vehicle occupants who were injured and killed as a result of a highway collision. All the available applicable insurance proceeds were recovered.
Medical Negligence Settlement on behalf of a man who suffered from a swollen arm and extensive scarring due to an improper I.V. injection at a hospital.
Medical Negligence Settlement on behalf of a family whose baby was delivered stillborn as a result of the failure to perform a timely cesarean section delivery. According to data provided by the Illinois Jury Verdict and Settlement Reporter, the settlement was the largest recovery in Kane County History related to a stillbirth.
Product Liability/Dangerous Toy Settlement on behalf of a 9-year-old boy who sustained an eye injury resulting in decreased acuity in one eye (20/20 decreased to 20/40) as a result of being struck by a toy stomp rocket as it left the launch pad. In an effort to increase sales, the company removed the prior eye protection warning and lowered the recommended age recommendation.
Automobile/Trucking Settlement on behalf of the family of a husband and wife who were killed by a semi tractor-trailer on an interstate highway. All available insurance proceeds were exhausted.
Automobile/Trucking Settlement on behalf of the family of an elderly woman against the operator of a semi tractor-trailer and against the operator of a passenger vehicle. Â Â All insurance proceeds were exhausted
Medical Negligence Settlement on behalf of a couple whose child died, delivered stillborn, during labor and delivery. The defendants failed to perform a timely cesarean section delivery once the baby was showing signs of fetal distress. The settlement ranked among the highest amounts recovered in Lake County for a stillbirth at the time of resolution.
Medical Negligence Jury Verdict on behalf of a woman who underwent breast implant surgery resulting in a poor cosmetic outcome. The Verdict was the highest on record in Illinois for breast implant cases.
Motor Vehicle/Pedestrian Settlement on behalf of a man who was struck and killed by a car while attempting to direct traffic on a public road in the dark at a family birthday party. The insurance policy limits of two defendant drivers were exhausted.
Nursing Home Negligence settlement on behalf of an 84-year-old resident with dementia who underwent a partial lower leg amputation as a result of an undiagnosed and untreated heel bedsore.
Settlement on behalf of a woman who sustained a leg and arm fracture as the result of being struck by a tractor-trailer which crossed the center line of the road.
Medical Negligence Settlement on behalf of a Central Illinois woman who sustained an extensive scar on her forearm due to an improperly placed I.V. line.
Nursing Home Jury Verdict on behalf of a woman who required a skin graft to treat bedsores on her back. The Verdict was the highest in Illinois history for non-fatal bedsores.
Settlement on behalf of a client who suffered facial injuries and scarring resulting from a dog bite. After the defendant's insurance company initially refused to settle the case, the entire homeowner's insurance policy limits were eventually paid to resolve the matter.
Settlement on behalf of a client / pedestrian who sustained a leg fracture as a result of being struck by a motor vehicle.
Settlement on behalf of a client who sustained an ankle fracture after falling on ice which formed as a result of water which the defendant diverted to the public sidewalk.
Medical Negligence Jury Verdict on behalf of a woman who developed an infection that was not appropriately treated following knee replacement surgery. As a result of the failure to treat the infection, the woman required a second surgery.
Jury Verdict on behalf of a woman who sustained a non-displaced fracture of her "pinky" finger in a vehicle collision. On the first day of trial, the Court strongly urged the Plaintiff to accept the defendant's insurance company's offer of $25,000.00 further commenting that a jury would never award more than the insurance company's $25,000.00 offer. The insurance company waived all appeals and paid the verdict within seven days.